PMS Color Matching Explained
If Pantone colors need to be matched, please specify on your order. All critical Pantone colors must be plugged into the file as PMS Solid Coated colors. We do not match any other color books. Please watch our video explaining the color matching process required for digital printing. It is informative.
Industry Standard Guidelines
Before creating your art files, please use our graphic templates. Our templates have specific instructions for live area and required bleeds. Templates are layered Adobe Illustrator PDF files. Templates are located on product order pages
We guarantee all printing against printer malfunction and manufacturing errors. We guarantee color matching on all orders with approved hard proofs. Orders without approved hard proofs are not guaranteed for color and will not be reprinted free of charge. We cannot guarantee output of special effect of any kind to include special effects applied to critical colors.
Accepted File Formats
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe InDesign
- High Quality PDF*
High quality Illustrator and Photoshop files are preferred as they are more suitable for large format printing as well as our preflight software. Graphic time will be charged if files need to be fixed or altered to meet guidelines, so we urge our clients to take advantage of our many graphic templates as they are already setup to the correct dimensions and include information such as obstructions, bleeds, fold, and stitch lines. Graphic templates can be downloaded from the product pages on our website.
DO NOT include printer marks such as crop marks and print registration marks in your print ready files.
Final print files should be kept under 1 gigabyte in size.
When sending files, please be sure to include all supporting files (fonts, linked images, etc.). You can also outline all fonts and embed all linked image files. Note, embedded files cannot be edited on our end.
*IMPORTANT: We do not print directly from PDF files. We will open PDFs in Illustrator to prepare artwork for printing. It is critical that all fonts are outlined, and all linked images embedded prior to creating the PDF. Files not submitted correctly will be bounced for resubmission.
Electronic Proofs
All orders will receive e-proofs for approval. All e-proofs must be approved prior to an order entering production. E-proofs are provided to the customer for the approval of graphic placement and spell checking. They cannot be used to judge color output, resolution, or output of special effect. Customers concerned about color output, resolution, or special effects printing must order hard proofs.
Hard Proofs
Hard proofs are mini prints of your graphic files. These proofs can include a small to-scale section of your graphic file to approve resolution and special graphic effects. Hard proofs are printed on the same press using the same material as the finished product. Hard proofs are shipped overnight for your approval. While at an added cost and production time hard proofs are the only way you can judge color output and graphic special effects. Hard proof cost is $100.00 per file and will add 3-5 days to your order.
Special Graphic Effects
Illustrator and other graphic program special effects such as glows, transparencies or drop shadows sometimes yield unpredictable results. We cannot guarantee output of these effects. We suggest flattening graphics that have these effects and ordering hard proofs.
Fonts should be converted to outline. If fonts are not outlined, you must provide all fonts used in TruType format. We will also need the fonts used in any linked files.
Print Matching
Feel free to submit catalogs, brochures, printed proofs, etc. to use as a color reference. Graphic files will need to be in layered vector format so color adjustments can be made. Additional charges may apply. Please contact customer service to arrange sending us your materials.
CMYK Color
Provide all files, in CMYK color format. Any file submitted in RGB will be converted to CMYK prior to printing. Color shifts and unintended changes in graphic effect can occur and are not the responsibility of TradeShowPlus to fix or reprint free of charge.
For optimal print quality, image files should be 125 PPI at print size allowing for manageable file sizes given the exceptionally large size of our prints. Customers are responsible for inspecting their print files prior to submitting them for printing. Our digital printing output is 600 PPI or higher. Resolution issues come from customers not checking their graphic files before submitting them. While TradeShowPlus may inform the customer of resolution issues it is not our responsibility.
Mural and Pop Up Graphics
Popup mural files must be built as one file. Please note where panel breaks are located and try to minimize the amount of text will be cut between panels.
Production Time
TradeShowPlus cannot control when customer place orders or when they will provide correct artwork for printing. For this reason, posted production times are based on when the customer approves art proofs for printing not when the order is placed. Production time starts the following business day after proofs have been approved.
Graphic Submission
Submit graphic files when you order
Just use the "File Upload" link located on each product order page on our website.
Submit graphic files after ordering
Use our secure file upload service: tradeshowplus.wetransfer.com
Submit graphic files using your preferred method
To use your own file delivery service, email your file download link to our graphics department: graphics@tradeshowplus.com